Friday, April 6, 2012

Sorry it's been so long!

I just wanted to say sorry that it's been so long since I was last blogging.  I'm going to make sure I continue to blog once at least once a week...
I recently had a question about using human medications in our pets.
There are many human medications that are safe for use in pets. However, not all medications are safe.  Even ones that we deem relatively harmless can have serious consequences.  For example, Tylenol (acetaminophen) is toxic to dogs and extremely toxic to cats.  Aspirin is also toxic to cats.  Both of these cause severe irreversible kidney damage.
Because animal liver and kidneys are different from people's, it is hard for a lay person to determine the right dosage for many medications.  Often pet dosages of medications are drastically higher or lower than what a person of the same weight would be.  For this reason it is ALWAYS best to call your vet before giving any of your medications to your pet.

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