Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas dinner

Christmas is next weekend and many people celebrate Christmas with a special dinner.  I just want to use this opportunity to remind people that they shouldn't include their pets in the special dinner.  There are many reasons to shy away from giving your pet leftovers from dinner. 
The first is people food tends to be higher in fat than most dog foods.  Giving your pet a high fat meal can cause pancreatitis.  The pancreas is the organ that makes enzymes that break down fat in your food.  When a high fat meal is fed the pancreas gets inflamed causing pancreatitis.  The signs of pancreatitis can range from inappetence to severe vomiting and diarrhea.  The abdomen is usually very painful as well.  The treatment for pancreatitis can range from just needing some medication to IV fluids and staying in the hospital until the pet is feeling better.
Another reason is food intolerance.  Some pets have allergies to certain foods.  Those allergies can cause anything from an upset stomach to severe itching which can last weeks.
A third reason to not give Christmas dinner leftovers to your pets is it can cause diarrhea.  Sudden changes in food can cause diarrhea by upsetting the balance of bacteria in the GI tract.  This is the reason why it's always recommended to change food slowly, giving the bacteria a chance to adapt.
A final reason to not feed leftovers to pets is toxins.  Some people food is toxic to cats and dogs.  The most common ones are chocolate and grapes or raisins, but onions and garlic can also cause problems.  Most toxins are dose dependent, but some animals are much more sensitive than others and we don't know which ones will have a problem until it is too late.
I hope you enjoy your Christmas dinner and remember to feed your pets their regular dog food.
Happy Holidays!!

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